Schooling Young Horses

Schooling is an art – it’s all about your horse being comfortable and confident in what they are doing. 

We work on a range of horses - many are young inexperienced horses that need to be brought along to get them to the next level of progression. Experience and new and exciting challenges is the best way forward. We like to bring horses to a range of different facilities to help build the confidence they will need to take on the challenges they will be faced with in the years to come. We look at technique, balance and flat work before we begin working with ground poles, grids and eventually a course of fences. The discipline the owner wishes to pursue will also help determine where we go and what we will do. We have a wide variety of natural country, banks, hedges, ditches and stone walls around the farm to educate the young hunting horse and give them the confidence they need to perform on the field.

The Older "Clever Horse" !!

We also take the older guys and girls who may need some schooling in order to get them back on track, horses can grow clever in their old age, becoming familiar with their rider’s habits. A  change of rider and a new routine for a few weeks is a great way to get them back to where they once were. Time on the many cross country courses, quiet country lanes and hacking is usually all they need for a few weeks to rejuvenate them and restore them to where their owner wants them.

The "I Haven't The Time Horse"

We understand, you’re leading a busy work life and want to go hunting or competing at the weekends! Drop it off - we will have it fit and ready for you. 

The "Problem Horse"

Some horses can cause problems for their owners. it can be due to a range of issues from greenness, sharp teeth, wolf teeth, rider error, or even an old injury - the list is endless. At KES we like to try and get to the root of the problem and build from there. Get in touch with us and let us figure it out.

Get in contact us to discuss your requirements 

Conor : 00 353 85 154 2539

Abby : 00 353 87 137 0003