We believe that flatwork is the most important part of a horses training. There is no single horse of any age or discipline who won't benefit from improving their basic flatwork. We train in accordance with the Scales of Training to maximize each horse's performance. With our youngsters especially, we believe that achieving a basic level of Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact, Impulsion, Straightness and Collection will not only allow the horse to perform to a higher level and make full use of themselves, but will also make them an easier , more enjoyable ride for the next person.
With every horse there will be some issues that need addressing, and we like to take our time to use a wide variety of exercises to educate each horse as an individual.These can range from various types of polework to some basic dressage movements to encourage the horse to engage their core and hindquarters, allowing them to fully develop their movements. We love to see each horse progress in this way and can be just as satisfying as jumping a course of big fences.